

2025年4月25日-27日         北京中国国际展览中心(朝阳馆) 

展商介绍/Enterprise brief introduction




    河北森隆医药科技有限公司(简称“森隆医药”)成立于2008年,是一所集中 药饮片、直接口服中药饮片、GAP种植、中成药及保健品于一体的现代化医药企 业。公司位于邯郸永年,注册资金3200万,占地面积56000多平方米,环境优美, 交通便利。2012年通过了新版GMP认证,通过近几年不断努力,在设备工艺和产品 性能上不断取得新的突破,组建了一支专业的中药饮片加工、质量检验技术队伍。 目前公司饮片种类500余种,同时拥有采用国际领先的超微粉粉碎技术对中药饮片 实施细胞破壁加工而成的数十余种直接口服饮片粉剂。

    为适应新的市场需求,打造医养结合、药食同源的产品理念。2017年公司聘 请多名医药领域开创人才,成立了森隆医药科研小组。经过无数次的科研配比、临 床试验和生产各阶段的质量把控,成功推出了“康世界”系列固体饮料及各种代用 茶、代餐粉、压片糖果等方便食品。

    截止目前公司获得五项发明专利和十余项实用新型发明专利,被评为“立信 单位”、“河北省科技型中小企业”、“国家高新技术企业”、“AAA级信用企 业”、“诚信经营示范单位”、“服务质量示范单位”。公司紧跟互联网步伐,供 应、生产、销售、物流一体化,在1688、淘宝、京东、拼多多、抖音小店、快手小 店等多个电商平台都拥有属于自己的店铺,产品已销往全国各地,并取得了较好的 效益。 我公司本着“以质量为生命,以创新为动力、以功效为核心、以服务为根本” 的宗旨,传承国粹、不断创新,本着弘扬中华传统医药的文化精神,打造河北省中药强省。立志在中药饮片和功能性食品领域竭尽所能,也热诚期盼与医药界同仁携 手合作,共同推进医药事业健康发展。

热销产品:怀山药赤小豆薏米粉、阿胶人参饮、益精饮、参姜白芷饮、魔菊谷 肽、益生菌粉、小分子活性肽、悠悠菊花饮等。

Hebei Senlong Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. (“Senlong Pharmaceuticals”) was founded in 2008, is a concentrated medicine tablets, direct  oral Chinese medicine tablets, GAP cultivation, traditional Chinese medicine  and health care products in one of the modern pharmaceutical enterprises. The  company is located in Yongnian, registered capital of 32 million, covers an area  of more than 56,000 square meters, beautiful environment, convenient transportation. In 2012 passed the new version of GMP certification, through continuous  efforts in recent years, in the equipment technology and product performance  continue to make new breakthroughs, the formation of a professional Chinese  medicine tablet processing, quality inspection technology team. At present, the  company drinks more than 500 kinds of tablets, at the same time has the use of  the world’s leading ultra-micro-powder crushing technology for Chinese medicine tablets to implement cell wall-breaking processing from dozens of direct oral  drink tablet powder. In order to adapt to the new market demand, to create a combination of  health care, medicine and food homologous product concept. In 2017, the company hired a number of pharmaceutical industry pioneers, set up the Senlong  Pharmaceutical Research Group. After numerous scientific research matching,  clinical trials and production of quality control at all stages, successfully launched  the “Kang World” series of solid beverages and a variety of substitute tea,  substitute meal powder, tablet candy and other convenience foods. Up to now, the company has obtained five invention patents and more than  ten utility model invention patents, was named “Ericsson units,” “Hebei Province science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises,”  “national high-tech enterprises,” “AAA-rated credit enterprises,” “integrity management demonstration units,” “service quality demonstration units.”  Companies keep up with the pace of the Internet, supply, production, sales, logistics integration, in 1688, Taobao, JD.com, Dodo, jitter shop, fast-hand shop  and many other e-commerce platforms have their own stores, products have  been sold throughout the country, and achieved better benefits. Our company spirit of “quality for life, innovation as the driving force, efficacy as the core, service as the fundamental” purposes, the heritage of national  populism, continuous innovation, in line with the promotion of traditional Chinese medicine cultural spirit, to build Hebei Province, strong Chinese medicine  province. Determined to do our best in the field of Chinese medicine tablets and  functional food, but also sincerely look forward to working with colleagues in the  pharmaceutical industry to work together to promote the healthy development of  the pharmaceutical industry. Hot products: Waishan medicine red bean rice flour, A gum ginseng drink, yi fine drink, ginseng white drink, magic chrysanthemum glutptide, probiotic  powder, small molecular active peptides, ginseng five treasure tea, yuyu chrysanthemum drink Co-operative Hotline: Gao Chong (Deputy Sales Officer)
